How does this product work?
COVIXYL-V works by creating a physical barrier to block the viral particles that carry COVID-19 from taking hold of the surface in the nasopharynx.
Can anybody use COVIXYL-V?
COVIXYL-V is safe for anyone above the age of 12. Pregnant woman should consult their doctor before using the spray.
Does using this product mean I do not need a vaccine?
This product is meant to be complementary to a vaccine. Vaccines are developed to protect against COVID-19 disease, especially severe illness and death but they are not designed to prevent transmission. This product is designed to help to prevent COVID-19 infection by blocking the transmission.
How do I use COVIXYL-V?
Keep the bottle upright, remove the cap and spray in the air until mist comes out. Then, place the nozzle into your nose being careful not to insert it too deep. Spray 2-3 puffs into one nostril then repeat into the other.
How long does this protect me from the transmission of COVID-19?
COVIXYL-V is effective for 6 + hours and can be reapplied every 6 hours for continuous protection against transmission.
Is COVIXYL a pharmaceutical drug or medicine?
No. This spray is not a drug or medicine as it has no metabolic, pharmacological or immunologic action against human body. It is a medical device that everyone can buy from drug store without prescription.
Are there any side effects?
As COVIXYL-V is made of ingredients listed as GRAS or USP (United States Pharmacopeia), it’s completely safe.
This spray is drug-free, alcohol-free and non-toxic so it’s safe to use.
According to an eye irritation test conducted by KTR under GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) guideline, this spray was found not to irritate eyes.
What are the benefits of COVIXYL-V?
This nasal spray has been shown to help prevent COVID-19 infection by inhibiting the transmission of the virus in the nasopharynx using generally recognized safe materials approved by the FDA.
Is COVIXYL made in the USA?
Yes, this spray will be made by a CGMP certified manufacturer in the US upon FDA approval.